Our Obscenity Law is a far reaching, obsessively detailed and vague Supreme Court law. It bans the "...publication, distribution or circulation [of] any obscene written matter, picture, model, phonograph record or other thing whatever." Obscene is defined as "the undue exploitation of sex", alone or in combination with other evils.* It neither expounds upon what constitutes "undue" exploitation of sex, nor does it stipulate what due exploitation of sex might be. According to the obscenity law "The motives of an accused are irrelevant..." It is not a defense that the accused did not know the material in question was obscene - did not know, in other words, that she or he was committing a crime.

The normal application of the law entails due process. The offending material is tried in an open court, according to the rules of evidence, before a judge and jury who are obliged to listen carefully to both sides. What is most important to me, is that the public at all times has access to the material in question, so that it may judge for itself the gravity of the offense, and the propriety of the proceedings.

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